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In addition to a wealth of existing retail establishments and restaurants, Greenville has several major existing and planned retail developments. Crossroads Mall, Kari Beth Krossing, Greenville Commons, Greenville Town Center and others offer opportunities for retailers seeking existing space or pad sites in Greenville - a primary Shopping Hub on IH-30 for Hunt County.

Greenville Promenade

Contact information and Crossroads Mall:

6834 Wesley Street

Greenville, TX 75402

(903) 454-8181


Kari Beth Crossing

Contact information for Kari Beth Krossing:


Greenville Town Center

Contact information for Greenville Towne Center:



Traders Crossing

Contact information for Traders Crossing:

8110 Wesley Street

Greenville, TX 75402



Greenville Commons

Contact information for Greenville Commons:



8111 Wesley St.

Contact information for 8111 Wesley St. Pad Site: